Psycho-emotional status of fertile aged women with disorders of autonomic homeostasis, who had an artificial abortion


  • Вл. В. Подольський Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of the State Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine, Ukraine



fertile age women, artificial abortion, рsychosomatics, psycho-emotional state, autonomic homeostasis


Changes in living conditions of the modern woman enhance its role in society life except the positive general public importance has a certain negative impact on her health. This is primarily due to the significant physical, psycho-emotional and stress impact on the female body. To these changes belong socio-economic conditions, population migration, and information overload in psychologically important areas of life, which is caused by political, social, economic, moral and ethical destabilization of society. All this leads to emotional stress, resulting in a risk of adverse changes in reproductive health, because women psycho-emotional state is her constituents. On the other hand, the vegetative regulation is one of the most important mechanisms of adaptation to stressful conditions in which the last two years are Ukrainian women. Worst of the recent history of our country events are rise to a high level of social tension affecting the health of women through stress action on the body.

We have examined 120 women of childbearing age with impaired autonomic homeostasis in the form of autonomic dysfunction syndrome and somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system hypertonic, hypotonic and cardiac type who underwent artificial abortion. Study results have shown that the most of women, who detected high levels of emotional stress, has disorders of the vegetative homeostasis in the form of somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system on hypotonic type.

Analysis of situational and personal anxiety in women showed almost the same number of patients with low, medium and high levels of psychological adaptation. The moderate level of personal anxiety was observed in the vast majority of women with hypotonic type of somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.

The main changes in the state of psychological adjustment in fertile age women that had an artificial abortion were disadaptation and stress.

Author Biography

Вл. В. Подольський, Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of the State Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine

PhD, head of the research group, senior researcher, head of the Health Problems of Women of Childbearing Age Department


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How to Cite

Подольський, В. В. (2016). Psycho-emotional status of fertile aged women with disorders of autonomic homeostasis, who had an artificial abortion. REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY, (27), 84–87.



Clinical study