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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Це подання раніше не було опубліковане і не надсилалося до розгляду редакціям інших журналів (або у коментарях для редактора нижче дані необхідні пояснення).
  • Файл подання є документом у форматі Microsoft Word.
  • Текст відповідає вимогам до стилістики та бібліографії, викладеним у Керівництві для авторів розділу "Про журнал".

Author Guidelines


The editors request to send materials in electronic form to email and/or with the name of the journal section in which the article should be placed, and the subject of the topic "for publication in the journal". At the same time, a printed version is sent by registered mail or delivered directly to the Editorial Office. The last page of the printed version of the article must be signed by all authors.

The article (both in electronic and printed form) must be accompanied by a Package of documents (, set out in the section "Requirements of publication".

Editorial address:
Khmelnytsky street, 42, of. 1, Kyiv, 01030
Editorial Board of the journal "Reproductive Endocrinology"
Е-mail: and/or

All articles submitted to the Editorial Board are tested for plagiarism and multi-stage review, reviewers' comments are sent to the author without specifying the names of reviewers. After receiving the reviews and answers of the author(s), the editor-in-chief and members of the Editorial Board decide to publish or reject the article (rejected materials are not returned). The order of articles publication is set in accordance with the editorial plan of the journal. The editors reserve the right to reduce and edit the materials of the article regardless of their volume, including changes in the title of articles, terms and definitions. Corrections of stylistic, nomenclature or formal nature are made to the article without the consent of the author. The date of receipt is the day of receipt of the final text by the Editorial Board if the article was revised by the author in the process of preparation for publication.


1. Scientific publication is one of the main results of the researcher's activity and contains new information on the researched issue. The manuscript should be written in a scientific style, which differs in accuracy and logic of thought, consistent presentation and objectivity. The manuscript submitted for publication must be original. Articles previously published in national or foreign publications are not accepted. To verify the above requirements we recommend you check the manuscript yourself in any available plagiarism detection program. Any complex terminology, abbreviations, acronyms, etc. in the text should be explained/deciphered at the first mention.

2. Language of the article: Ukrainian or English. Articles written in Russian must be fully translated into Ukrainian or English. Ukrainian translation must be attached to the original English-language article.

3. Volume of the article is from 3000 words, within 15-30 thousand characters. The article is made out in one file, which is named after the author (the first author if there are several authors).

4. Use Microsoft Word for Windows to type text, formulas, and tables. Parameters of the text editor: all fields on 2 cm; Times New Roman font, size - 12; line spacing - 1.5; width alignment; paragraph indent 1 cm; sheet orientation is portrait (landscape orientation is allowed for wide tables). It is not allowed to submit an article in a format that is not suitable for editing.

5. Structure of the article should correspond to the generally accepted structure of scientific articles - see "Checklists for different types of research" (

Research article: 1) title; 2) authors; 3) contacts; 4) summary (abstract, annotation); 5) keywords; 6) introduction; 7) materials and methods (this section should contain statistical analysis); 8) results; 9) discussion; 10) conclusions, 11) conflict of interest; 12) visualization material (drawings, tables, graphs, etc.); 13) references list (must contain at least 25 references).

Review article: 1) title; 2) authors; 3) contacts; 4) summary (abstract, annotation); 5) keywords; 6) introduction; 7) analysis of literature data (this section should contain sections with relevant topics); 8) conclusions; 9) conflict of interest; 10) visualization material (if any); 11) references list (must contain at least 40 references).

Clinical case: 1) name; 2) authors; 3) contacts; 4) summary (abstract, annotation); 5) keywords; 6) introduction; 7) presentation of case; 8) discussion; 9) conclusions: 10) illustrations; 11) references list (must contain at least 25 references).

6. Units of measurement of physical quantities, hematological, biochemical and other indicators of quantities used in medicine must be presented in units of the metric system (International System of Units [SI]).

Medicines (drugs) or medical devices for medical use must be valid in Ukraine, and methods of their introduction - in accordance with the instructions approved by the Pharmaceutical Committee of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine or have permission to conduct a clinical trial for medical use. Only international names of medical devices should be used. Exceptions are: combined, multicomponent drugs, drugs based on medicinal plants or products of animal origin.

7. Experimental articles must contain tables/diagrams/figures or other visualization materials, which must be numbered (for example: Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.), located in the article after mentioning them in the text and accordingly titled (for example: Figure 1. Title of the figure). Any illustrative material (drawings, tables, diagrams, graphs, charts, photos) must be of good quality and equally informative in both color and black and white. All visual objects must be provided in an editable format. It is not allowed to place illustrative material in a language other than the language of the article, as well as to provide tables/diagrams in the format of a drawing (.jpg, etc.). Borrowed (cited) visualization material must have a reference to the literature source.

8. Text of the article must be original not less than 80%, the volume of citations of other sources must be not more than 15-20%. All articles, including advertising, are double-blindly reviewed, including plagiarism. Manuscripts that do not meet the requirements will be returned.

9. If you need to increase the citation rate in the Scopus database, you should submit the full version of the article in English. It will be posted on the site for indexing (only title, annotation, keywords, Latin literature are indexed in articles written in Cyrillic,). The Editorial Board provides additional paid services for translation and editing of articles, design in accordance with the requirements, formatting the reference list.

10. English articles must correspond the same requirements. In addition, the Ukrainian (or Russian) version of the English article should be provided. It is recommended to write the article in English at once, and not to translate it, in order to prevent distortion of terms, as there are not many constructions from Slavic languages in English. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the translation of the title and summary/annotation, as search engines pay attention to them in the first place.

Services for assistance in writing and editing English texts:

  • Grammarly - helps to write in English more effectively and provides advice on correctness.
  • ProWritingAid - a tool for writing English texts provides a report on the uniqueness of the text, thus avoiding plagiarism.
  • Recommendations of the European Association of Scientific Editors (EASE) for writing scientific articles in English -

11. In case of non-compliance of the article and advertising materials with these requirements the Editorial Board reserves the right to edit (partial change) the text or refuse to publish it.

The structure of the article submitted to the Edition

1) Title

The full title of the article, which should reflect the essence of the work, should contain keywords and be as short as possible. Attractiveness and citation of the article are reduced when geographical names and regions are mentioned in the title.

2) Author(s)

This section includes the following information in Ukrainian and English:

full names of all authors of the article;

academic title, academic degree, position;

job: organization, institution and/or department, faculty, name of higher educational institution;

city, country;

ORCID (if it absence you should register on

3) Contacts

Working address with postal code, work phone, email. Only the first author of several contacts may be submitted.

4) Abstract

The annotation must be at least 250 words in each language (Ukrainian, English, Russian). Abstract should contain information about the topic, purpose of the study, methodology, results, data analysis, conclusions. To it can also be added the possible consequences of the study and future work related to the results. It is not desirable to copy the text from the article to this section. Abstract is written in the third person and must contain the full set of keywords.

5) Keywords

5-10 keywords on the subject of the article must be included in the abstract.

6) Introduction

In the introduction it is necessary to outline the importance and novelty (relevance) of the chosen problem. It should be explained what prompted the author to scientific work: unresolved issues, insufficient study of the topic, inaccuracy of data due to the statute of limitations, inconsistency of data of different authors, the emergence of new promising material, a new look at existing data and more.

References to predecessor researchers, discussion of literature sources on this issue are required in this section. It should be noted that the paper analyzed the vast majority of literature sources that did not exceed the last 5 years and were published in authoritative publications indexed by the Web of Science, Scopus and others. In the last paragraph of the introduction it is customary to formulate several personal hypotheses. It should also be noted the research objective - the study of hypotheses or research questions, but it should not be a tracing paper of the title of the article.

Long historical and epidemiological excursions in review and research articles are not welcome.

7) Materials and methods

Indicate where and when the study was conducted, its design (cohort, prospective, randomized, etc.), features of examination and treatment. It should be explained which objects (study participants) were selected and why, which materials (any equipment, etc.), methods of research and analysis, statistical processing were used. The selected materials and methods should allow to completely repeating the described research. If the work is related to biological objects the research program must be approved by the local Ethics Committee, which must be mentioned in this section. Provide information that affects the results (age, gender of participants, etc.). In chronological order, indicate what the participants did during the study.

In the statistical analysis it is necessary to specify not only the p value, but also other indicators - for example, 95% confidence interval. It is desirable to use the latest versions of statistical programs, analyze data based on parametric and nonparametric sampling, use regression analysis.

It is important to indicate whether the study was approved by the Ethics Committee (by which, when) and whether the informed consent of the study participants was obtained.

8) Results

Write a concise, informative statement of the data obtained. Links and short discussion items can sometimes be used in this section. It is necessary to substantiate the probable/achieved results and their reliability. A common mistake is to mix up results and discuss them. Results should not contain references to literature sources and data interpretation. Do not duplicate the data of tables and graphics in the text; try to present results in the most concise form. You should not provide source data in this section.

9) Discussion

The results discussion is carried out within the framework of the dominant concept and/or hypothesis, which is tested by author. Results can be compared with each other and with the results of other studies. Describe what your results mean, interpret your conclusions, evaluate hypotheses or research questions, what is the perspective of your results. Discuss the unexpected results and link your findings to the previous literature discussed in the introduction. If there are differences, indicate why you think they exist and what they may mean. Consider the limitations of the study (if any). What questions arose during the study? What questions could you not answer? The discussion should be from specific to general. A common mistake is to post new data in this section that was not previously mentioned in the "Results" section.

Sometimes the "Results" and "Discussions" sections can be combined into the "Research Results and Discussions" section, but the sequence should be as outlined above.

10) Conclusions

This is new information, not a paraphrased "discussion" section. Conclusions should be about the prospects for further research, set out the author's own views, which should be remembered by readers. The findings should not duplicate the results of the study. Formulate conclusions clearly and succinctly. Explain why the results of the study may be important to the reader. Give a synthesis of key points. Make sure the findings are consistent with the objectives of the study. Prove to the scientific community that your results are important and valuable. Make suggestions for further research. You can make recommendations.

11) Conflict of interest.

It is necessary to note the presence/absence of a conflict of interest and connection with the pharmaceutical company, even if the article mentions only the active substance of the drug.

12) Acknowledgments

Optional section. It mentions the names of those who assisted in the process of the article writing (and the organizations in which they work), as well as the names of foundations, numbers and names of grants and scholarships through which this study was conducted and published. This section is needed if it is necessary to indicate that the article was prepared under a grant, to thank colleagues who are not the authors but helped research and etc.

13) References

Give at least 25 literature sources for research and 40-50 for theoretical manuscripts/literature reviews. The age of the sources should not exceed 10 years, and the age of at least half of them should not exceed 5 years. Self-citation can be used only in exceptional cases, and its volume should not exceed 20% of the total number of sources.

If it is not possible to determine the author or year of publication, it is better to refrain from citing such a source, as it is not reliable. The geography of sources must cover at least three regions; most sources must be in English. The advantage will be the use of works published in Scopus and Web of Science databases.

Today there is no notion of "available literature sources" (i.e. those that the author was able to find in free access). At least two scientometric databases should be used in review articles, such as Scopus, Web of Science, MEDLINE, etc. References that are not cited in these databases should be avoided, in particular non-digitized sources of information, dissertations, newspapers, popular science sources, conferences, ministerial/departmental sources and textbooks that are not indexed. The significance of even an English-language article with such sources is extremely low. Be sure to specify the DOI of all cited sources. Check sources at

Multidisciplinary bibliographic databases to be used for literature search:

Specialized bibliographic databases:

Also useful will be:

  • The DOAJ platform - - allows authors with limited access to paid bibliographic databases to openly search for articles and has more than 16,000 open access journals (including many from Eastern Europe).
  • Open Ukrainian citation index OUCI - - a platform with more than 1500 Ukrainian journals in digital form.
  • OSU platform - - contains a list of Ukrainian scientific journals that are indexed in international scientometric databases Scopus and/or Web of Science Core Collection.

Making a bibliography in the journal "Reproductive Endocrinology"

The sources in the list are given in the order of mention in the article.

References in the text to the relevant source from the references list are made in square brackets, for example: [1]. Check that all bibliography sources are referenced in the text.

Information about the article in the journal should include: surname and name of the author/authors, title of the article, title of the journal, year of publication, volume/issue/issue, and page numbers. Information about the book should include: surname and name of the author/authors, title of the book, and publisher name, year and place of publication. In electronic source you must have a link and the date of last access to it.

All Cyrillic sources must be additionally translated into English. In the journal "Reproductive Endocrinology" bibliography sources are made on the principle of "2 in 1": Cyrillic source + English translation. Transliteration of article titles is not allowed, the title of the journal/publication can be transliterated in accordance with its international title. 

Example of a Cyrillic source design. Please note that Cyrillic and English sources are designed differently!

1. The first author, AA

Title of article/А.А. first author, B.B. second author, C.C. third author [etc.] // Edition. - Year. - Number. - P. 11–12.

Author, A.A., Author, B.B., Author, C.C., et al.

"Title of article." Title of Journal 10.2 (2005): 49–53. DOI: 10.18370/2309-4117.2012.3.26-44

The so-called short dash "-" should be used, and not a hyphen "-" or a long dash "-" when designing in Cyrillic. It is enough to indicate the address or DOI only in the English version, it is not necessary twice. After the names of the authors in both versions is a comma.

Ukrainian translation is not required for English sources. The titles of the articles use “English quotation marks” and not the “Christmas tree quotation marks” or “German” or “French” quotation marks accepted in the Ukrainian language. "The full stop in the title of the article according to English rules is placed inside the quotation marks."

Author, A.A., Author, B.B., Author, C.C., et al.

“Title of article.” Title of Journal 10.2 (2005): 49–53. DOI: 10.18370/2309-4117.2012.3.26-44

It is not allowed to start an item in the bibliography with the title of an article that has authors or a publishing organization.

An example of a list of references can be found in any issue of the journal "Reproductive Endocrinology".

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