About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Journal "Reproductive Endocrinology" is a modern look not only at the obstetric and gynecological problems in the context of endocrine diseases, but also on family planning problems and prospects for development of the fetus, and urological problems of andrologic profile and other top priorities for the publication of an emphasis on the clinical evidence base, diagnostic algorithms, treatment and prevention, and provide the maximum amount of useful scientific and practical materials.

Readers are invited to urgent aspects and the views of leading national and foreign experts on targeted issues publications. Authoritative editorial board of the journal "Reproductive Endocrinology", which consists of leading experts from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and NAMS of Ukraine, admits to print only the relevant materials on the basis of the positions of medicine. Journal  is regularly printed materials that translated foreign authors and reviews based on recent publications in leading international journals, the presentation of the most important recent clinical guidelines and consensus of international importance, articles review based on foreign materials, comments of national experts.

Peer Review Process

All articles that are published in the journal "Reproductive Endocrinology" are peer-reviewed.

This journal uses double-blind peer review, which means that the names of reviewers and authors are not revealed to each other. 

Members of the editorial staff are allowed to submit manuscripts which will undergo peer-review directed by the present editor-in-chief or appointed editorial board member. Editors or board members are never involved in editorial decisions about their own work.

Open Access Policy

This journal is practicing a policy of immediate open access to published content, supporting the principles of the free flow of scientific information and global knowledge sharing for the common social progress.


This journal uses LOCKSS system for distributed archiving published content in multiple libraries and information centers. Library - project LOCKSS ensure long-term storage of comprehensive log files and automatically restoring damaged information. More

Publication fee

The cost of publication is an average of 15,000 UAH (365 Euro) and may vary depending on the cost of editing articles, layout and printing of the journal, placement in international scientificmetric bases, as well as the mailing of the journal to authors and subscribers.

Journal History

Since 2011, Publishing House "TRILIST" and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, State Institution "Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics, Gynecology, NAMS of Ukraine" produces Ukrainian scientific journal "Reproductive endocrinology" (http://reproduct-endo. com.ua). This is a promising new project aimed at scientific and educational information and support for practitioners and medical-scientific community, which focuses on reproductive health.