Microbiome and women's health (literature review)
microbiome, biofilm, microbial communities, probiotics, chelators, Symbiter®, Smectovit®Abstract
In recent decades increased interest in natural microbiome - microbial communities colonizing the mucous membranes and skin of human. Microbiome is involved in metabolic and genetic regulatory mechanisms of human life, and also creates a powerful defense of microorganism from colonizing alien microorganisms. Mouth, upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal and urogenital tract, skin are populated by different types of microorganisms.
It was found that the breach of the vaginal microbiome associated with the development of bacterial vaginosis, nonspecific (aerobic), vaginitis and mycotic vaginitis. Numerous studies have confirmed the effectiveness of probiotic therapy in the treatment of patients with various forms of urological and obstetrical and gynecological pathology, aimed at restoring the natural microbiome.
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