Liquid-based cytology for risk-adapted cervical screening
liquid cytology, Pap smear, cell block, DNA cytometry, molecular PAP testsAbstract
Currently, there are three liquid based cytology (LBC) systems used in Germany: the ThinPrep®, the SurePath® and the PapSpin® method. There are only very few differences between the cytomorphology of LBC and conventional Pap smears. The main difference is the clear background provided by LBC, which makes it easier to identify and interpret abnormal cells. So far, evidence suggests that liquid-based cytological methods offer the following advantages compared to traditional smear techniques: a) a reduction in the proportion of inadequate specimens, b) an improvement in sensitivity, and c) a possible reduction in specimen interpretation times.
In the USA, 98% of the Pap tests are nowadays liquid-based.
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