Modern approaches to treatment and recurrence prevention of papillomavirus-infection treatment at women of reproductive age


  • Е. Н. Борис NMAPE them. PLShupyk; Center for evidence-based medicine; GUZO Kyiv, Ukraine



papillomavirus infection, іndole-3-carbinol, epigallocatechin, Epigalin, epytelial dysplasia


Reproductive Technologies, Ukrainian State Institute of Reproduction, National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P.L. Shupyk

Some modern literature data and results of our own observations and research for effective methods of the complex treatment of papillomavirus-infection have been presented. The importance of Еpigalin in eliminating of viruses, facilitating of the clinical course (colposcopical status), prevention of relapses of papillomavirus disease is studied.

The study included 65 women of reproductive age infected with human papilloma virus (HPV) with the cervix dysplasia. Women were divided into two groups: observation group (35 women) and control group (30 patients). Patients of observation group were prescribed complex antiviral therapy duration of 6 months, which included Epigalin. Patients of the control group were prescribed etiotropic (antiviral) therapy without Epigalin.

The clinical effect at the end of treatment (HPV elimination) was achieved in 94% of patients of the observation group. The clinical effect in the control group was achieved in only 60% of women. These data allow us to recommend Epigalin in the treatment of precancerous cervical diseases on the HPV background.

Author Biography

Е. Н. Борис, NMAPE them. PLShupyk; Center for evidence-based medicine; GUZO Kyiv

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction;


chief reproductologist


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How to Cite

Борис, Е. Н. (2015). Modern approaches to treatment and recurrence prevention of papillomavirus-infection treatment at women of reproductive age. REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY, (21), 32–39.



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