Cervical cancer and cervical screening


  • О. В. Рыкова Medical Laboratory «Synevo», Ukraine




cervical cancer, cervical screening, traditional cytology, liquid-based cytology, Pap-test, The Bethesda System


The paper presents the modern laboratory aspects of cytology in the framework of an effective cervical screening: factors affecting the quality of cytology, comparing conventional and liquidbased cytology, standardization issue opinions cytology according to the Bethesda system (The Bethesda system).
The combination of cytology with HPV testing enables the clinician to identify and treated the initial, pre-cancerous stage in time, and also enables to reduce morbidity and mortality from cervical cancer in women in Ukraine

Author Biography

О. В. Рыкова, Medical Laboratory «Synevo»

Head of the clinical direction of laboratory diagnosis


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  2. Arbyn, M., Anttila, A., Jordan, J., Ronco, G., Schenck, U., Segnan, N., Wiener, H.G., Herbert, A., Daniel, J. (technical editor), von Karsa, L. European guidelines for quality assurance in cervical cancer screening. Second Edition (2008).
  3. World Health Organization. “Comprehensive Cervical Cancer Control.” A guide to essential practice (2010), http://whqlibdoc. who.int/publications/2006/9241547006_eng.pdf?ua=1.



How to Cite

Рыкова, О. В. (2014). Cervical cancer and cervical screening. REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY, (20), 85–88. https://doi.org/10.18370/2309-4117.2014.20.85-88



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