Resolution of the I Ukrainian forum on miscarriages
On May 23–24, 2024, the 1st Ukrainian Forum on Miscarriages took place
Ukrainian Forum on Miscarriages, resolution, pregnancy loss, threatened miscarriage, repeated miscarriage, progestagens, dydrogesteroneAbstract
Today, there is an urgent need to develop and implement a regulatory document on abortion. This is due to the catastrophic state of reproduction of the Ukrainian population – the annual decrease in the number of labor, birth rates and the demographic crisis in Ukraine in general. Pregnancy loss not only causes obstetric complications, but also causes significant damage of the mental health of the woman and her partner, including depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.
This resolution is a joint position of the leading specialists of Ukraine on the issue of miscarriages based on domestic experience, results of randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses, as well as clinical recommendations of scientific societies of the world. The presented information is designed to help improve clinical approaches to the management of miscarriage in today’s conditions, in order to save every pregnancy and to not lose a baby.
During the Forum, the practical issues of diagnosis and treatment of miscarriage, modern management of threatened and habitual miscarriage, hormonal support of pregnant women and the use of progestogens, the influence of the first half of pregnancy on the birth of a healthy child, the impact of liver diseases on the choice of therapy in a pregnant woman, and others issues were considered.
World clinical experience has convincingly proven the high effectiveness of progestogens in the therapy of threatened and repeated miscarriages. However, not all progestogens are equally effective in reducing the risk of miscarriage and live birth in case of threatened miscarriage. Micronized progesterone and dydrogesterone are the most effective. Dydrogesterone differs from progesterone in its mechanism of action and affinity for progesterone receptors. A strong evidence base has been accumulated about a high profile of effectiveness and a low frequency of maternal and fetal complications for dydrogesterone, the use of which is approved by leading foreign associations.
Drug interactions and their effects on the liver should also be taken into account. Drugs that are indicated for pregnant women should be prescribed in the smallest therapeutic dose, which should be effective.
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