Hypofertility factors. Role of exogenous impacts during lactation


  • Е. М. Коренева PG "Institute of the problems эndokrynnoy im pathology. VJ Danylevskoho NAMS of Ukraine », Ukraine
  • Н. А. Карпенко Institute of Endocrine Pathology named after V.J. Danilevsky NAMS of Ukraine, Ukraine




hypofertility, exogenous factors, reproductive system


Course of breastfeeding can cause disorders in somatic and sexual development of adult. This period is especially important for the reproductive system. Function of this system depends on the numerous endogenous and exogenous factors. Factors that have delayed manifestation actions include: stress, intake of hormone-like compounds, medications. Impact of these factors during breast feeding can lead to violations of physical and mental development, and reproductive system disorders in descendants.

Author Biographies

Е. М. Коренева, PG "Institute of the problems эndokrynnoy im pathology. VJ Danylevskoho NAMS of Ukraine »

Candidate of Biology Sciences, Senior nauchnыy vicar laboratory Reproductive эndokrynolohyy

Н. А. Карпенко, Institute of Endocrine Pathology named after V.J. Danilevsky NAMS of Ukraine

PhD, head of the Laboratory of Reproductive Endocrinology, senior researcher


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How to Cite

Коренева, Е. М., & Карпенко, Н. А. (2013). Hypofertility factors. Role of exogenous impacts during lactation. REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY, (9), 24–27. https://doi.org/10.18370/2309-4117.2013.9.24-27



Fertility and Infertility