Dynamic of motional and mimic reactions of healthy children in the prenatal period of life


  • В. М. Запорожан Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine
  • С. Р. Галич Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine
  • Е. В. Долгушина Odessa rehabilitation center for disabled children, Ukraine




эмоциональные реакции, внутриутробный ребенок, ультразвуковое исследование


Ultrasound estimation is spent of emotional reactions of 80 prenatal children to various gestation terms from healthy mothers (21-24; 28-30 and 38-39 weeks). The received reactions are compared with emotional reactions of these children in the neonatal period. Initial emotional reactions of fetus were studied also were estimated their reactions after reception positive emotions by mother, palpations of uterus, listening of pleasant melodious music. There are allocated 4 types of emotional reactions of antenatal children: smiling, gloomy, mobile, labile. The conclusion about possibilities of an ultrasonic estimation of emotional reactions character of healthy pre-natal children is made. Features of emotional reactions of children in various gestation terms are noted. The communication of emotional reactions of pre-natal children with an emotional condition of mother is shown. It is established that features of emotional reactions of children in the prenatal period correspond to type of emotional reactions in the neonatal period and infancy.

Author Biographies

В. М. Запорожан, Odessa National Medical University

MD, Professor, Academician of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Rector, Head of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department № 1

С. Р. Галич, Odessa National Medical University

MD, Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology number 1

Е. В. Долгушина, Odessa rehabilitation center for disabled children

Doctor of ultrasonic diagnostics


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How to Cite

Запорожан, В. М., Галич, С. Р., & Долгушина, Е. В. (2012). Dynamic of motional and mimic reactions of healthy children in the prenatal period of life. REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY, (5), 5–9. https://doi.org/10.18370/2309-4117.2012.5.5-9



Pregnancy and childbirth