Phytocompositions of ayurvedic medicine in the restoration of menstrual health in women of early reproductive age who have survived moderate and severe form of COVID-19
COVID-19, menstrual health, menstrual cycle, dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, Femicycle, FemimensAbstract
Research objectives: to evaluate the effectiveness of phytotherapy in the treatment of menstrual health disorders in women of early reproductive age after a moderate and severe form of the coronavirus disease.
Material and methods. 104 women of early reproductive age with menstrual health disorders that occurred 3 months later after moderate or severe COVID-19 were under observation and 34 gynecologically and somatically healthy women of the control group who did not suffer from COVID-19. Female patients with COVID-19 were randomly divided into two groups: the main group (n=53) and the comparison group (n=51). The performed examination included: study of complaints, general and gynecological anamnesis, physical and gynecological examination, ultrasound examination of pelvic organs, determination of hormonal profile.
All patients with COVID-19 received a comprehensive rehabilitation program, which included diet therapy, vitamin and mineral complexes, psychotherapy. In addition to the complex rehabilitation program patients of the main group received ayurvedic phytocompositions Femicycle or Femimens for 6 months.
Results. It has been established that the moderate and severe course of the coronavirus infection affects the reproductive system of early reproductive aged women and leads to menstrual health disorders, among which irregular menstruation, premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea dominate. Levels of pituitary, adrenal, ovarian and thyroid serum hormones were within the reference norm in most cases, but have statistically significant deviations from similar indicators of healthy control women who did not have COVID-19. One-third of women of early reproductive age after moderate to severe COVID-19 had elevated prolactin levels.
Ayurvedic phytocompositions Femicycle and Femimens in a comprehensive rehabilitation program for post-COVID menstrual health disorders led to a faster recovery of menstrual health and a full hormonal recovery.
Conclusions. Ayurvedic phytocompositions Femicycle and Femimens are effective and safe naturopathic drugs for restoring menstrual health in women of early reproductive age after experiencing moderate to severe COVID-19.
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