Blood loss in obstetrics, hemorrhagic shock: obstetricians and gynecologists tactics


  • А. А. Жежер National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P.L. Shupyk, Ukraine
  • В. В. Мехедко Pharmaceutical company "Yuria-Farm", Ukraine



obstetric hemorrhage, hemorrhagic shock, infusion-transfusion therapy, colloids, gelatin preparations


The key aspects of diagnostics and treatment of obstetric hemorrhage and hemorrhagic shock are present in this article. Treatment of obstetric hemorrhage, including hemorrhagic shock is more effective if the infusion therapy initiated as early as possible. The basic aims of infusion therapy are support of systemic circulation and recovery of tissue perfusion. Crystalloids, colloids and blood preparations are used as an infusion-transfusion therapy. To date, there is a great experience with colloidal preparations, among which the most widely used drugs are hydroxyethylated starch and gelatin preparations.

Author Biography

А. А. Жежер, National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P.L. Shupyk

PhD, associate professor, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Department


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How to Cite

Жежер, А. А., & Мехедко, В. В. (2015). Blood loss in obstetrics, hemorrhagic shock: obstetricians and gynecologists tactics. REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY, (21), 89–93.



Drug therapy