Phytotherapy impact on peristalsis of unpregnant uterus in women with adenomyosis


  • А. П. Рогачевский City Clinical Hospital № 9, Odessa, Ukraine



adenomyosis, uterus, myometrium, dysperistalsis waves


One of the little-known mechanisms of infertility because of adenomyosis (аденомиоз, аденоміоз) is peristalsis disorders of subendometrial layers of the myometrium. The study showed that in women with adenomyosis there is a violation of the uterine peristalsis as dysperistalsis waves that are not found in healthy women. Administration the drug Tazalok 40 in a dose drops 3 times a day for 2 months caused a statistically significant reduction of uterine dysperistalsis in women with adenomyosis and a significant reduction of pain.

Author Biography

А. П. Рогачевский, City Clinical Hospital № 9, Odessa



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How to Cite

Рогачевский, А. П. (2014). Phytotherapy impact on peristalsis of unpregnant uterus in women with adenomyosis. REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY, (9), 64–66.


