Nonhormonal rehabilitation of reproductive system in women after surgical treatment nodular fibrocystic breast disease


  • Ю. Я. Присташ Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine



breasts, mastopathy, fi brocystic breast disease, prolactin, hyperprolactinemia, Mastodynon


Common benign breast disease is mastopathy, occurring in 20–60% of women, most aged 20–40 years. Surgical treatment of nodular forms of mastopathy does not eliminate the main cause of the disease – hormonal disorders (hyperprolactinemia, relative hyperestrogenemia). After the operation should be carried out conservative treatment aimed at eliminating the causes of dishormonal disorders and normalizes hormonal balance in the body, and to avoid recurrence.
Currently, there is a wealth of clinical experience in the use of conservative treatment of dishormonalbreast disease herbal drugMastodynon.Pathogeneticeff ects of Mastodynon, its property gently regulate hormonal homeostasis through its infl uence on the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis lead to improvement of breast tissue and node prevention in patients with fi brocystic breast disease.

Author Biography

Ю. Я. Присташ, Lviv National Medical University

PhD, assistant professor of Oncology and Medical Radiology Department


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How to Cite

Присташ, Ю. Я. (2013). Nonhormonal rehabilitation of reproductive system in women after surgical treatment nodular fibrocystic breast disease. REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY, (14), 64–68.



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