Injection methods of penis enlargement
penis enlargement, penis plastic surgery, fillers, micropenis, small penis syndromeAbstract
Review objective: to evaluate the current scientific evidence of all available injectable methods of penis enlargement, to evaluate their effectiveness.
Materials and methods. A systematic search of scientific medical information include databases MEDLINE, Embase, AMED and HMIC. A manual web search of relevant links in the found texts was performed.
Results. Conditions in which phallus thickening is used: concern with penis size or small penis syndrome, penile dysmorphophobia, penis reduction (radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer, Peyronie's disease, congenital anomalies, erectile dysfunction).
Injectable thickening of penis started using in the in the early XX century, paraffin and mineral oils were introduced. In the 1940s, safer liquid silicone and polymethyl methacrylate were used. Gel-like biodegradable materials are currently popular because they lack most of the disadvantages of permanent substances: hyaluronic acid, polylactic acid, dextran gel and mixtures of these substances. Thickening of the penis depends on the volume inserted filler and averages + 2–4 cm in circumference.
In 2003, Moon et al. for the first time proposed a method of enlarging the penis head with hyaluronic acid. Other drugs were also used: hydrogel, polyacrylamide and dextran gel. Hyaluronic acid is the most commonly used drug. Promising filler is polylactic acid, which stimulates the fibroblasts development at the injection site and is relatively safe to use. The circumference length of the penis head can be increased by an average of 1.5 cm.
Conclusion. Penis enlargement procedures are gaining popularity among men. However, there are a limited number of scientific papers that would describe the results and complications of these procedures. Further research is needed to study the impact of penis enlargement techniques on men's sex life and well-being, because it is the key motivating factor in turning to experts on this issue.
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