Evaluation of Cicatridina efficacy in healing and repairing process of uterine cervix, vagina and vulva


  • Я. Марковська Gynecology Department of Clinic for Oncology, Poznan Medical University, Poland, Poland
  • А. Марковська Clinic for Perinatology and Woman Diseases, Poznan Medical University, Poland
  • Р. Мадре Gynecology Department of Clinic for Oncology, Poznan Medical University, Poland


repair process, uterine, cervix, vagina, vulva, brachytherapy, menopause, episiotomy, Cicatridina


Purpose: The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of Cicatridina® application in healing and repairing process after operative procedures concerning uterine cervix, vagina and vulva and after brachytherapy due to cervical and endometrial cancer. We also analyzed Cicatridina® effect on vaginal athrophical signs in post-menopausal women.

Patients and Methods: The examined group consist of 319 women. They were divided into 2 arms. The active arm concerns 213 women who used Cicatridina®, while controlled one consists of 106 women. The effect of treatment was estimated after 6 weeks and 3 months by the visual inspection of the cervix and vagina. We also analyzed the subjective filling of patients bound to sexual intercouses by using of Visual Analogue Scale (0% – no effect; 100% – disappearance of pathological symptoms).

Results: In active arm according to control one the reparation of cervix was more often: after surgery procedures (respectively after 6 weeks 93% vs 70%; after 3 months 99% vs 89%) and after brachytherapy

(respectively after 3 months 86% vs 0%). In brachytherapy group the lack of discomfort during sexual intercourses was also more often in active arm (respectively 55% vs 0%). In postmenopausal women reduction of symptoms associated with atrophic vaginitis was observed only in active group (respectively after 6 weeks 43% vs 0%; after 3 months 57% vs 0%). In the group of patients after ephisiotomy due to delivery the relief of discomfort during sexual intercourses was also more often in active arm (respectively 94% vs 25%).

Conclusion: Cicatridina® causes fast healing of cervix after gynecological procedures. It influences improvement of atrophical, inflammatory and after radiation therapy effects which improve quality of life and comfort of vagina after brachytherapy due to cervical and endometrial cancer. Cicatridina® causes similar effect in vagina of pos-menopausal women as locally used estrogens. Cicatridina® also causes the feeling of relief and comfort in vagina after delivery as well as fast healing after episiotomy.


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How to Cite

Марковська, Я., Марковська, А., & Мадре, Р. (2018). Evaluation of Cicatridina efficacy in healing and repairing process of uterine cervix, vagina and vulva. REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY, (44), 60–63. Retrieved from https://reproduct-endo.com/article/view/153340



Drug therapy