Features of climacteric syndrome in women with endometriosis





climacteric syndrome, endometriosis, menopause


Share of patients with endometriosis among women of perimenopausal age is about 50% thus the problem of climacteric syndrome (СS) is extremely actual. The processes of maladaptation of neurocircular regulation are observed at reproductive age especially in this category of women. Considering the above-mentioned, research of the CS`s run of the disease; against the background of endometriosis and the choice of the correct tactics of the management of such patients becomes extremally crucial. The article deals with issues of identification of the frequency of CS in patients with endometriosis and features of development of the disease.

The exanimated group of patients consisted of 1055 women of late reproductive and perimenopausal women (from 39 to 55 years), 520 of them had diagnosis endometriosis (control group) and 535  without endometriosis

(comparison group). At the next stage were examined 323 women: 170 with endometriosis and 153 without this pathology, which were divided into groups depending on the presence or absence of CS’s symptoms. Also were searched four electronic databases.

During the analysis of groups of patients were studied, it was found that the incidence of CS in group of women with endometriosis was significantly higher (p <0.05) than in the comparison group, with manifestations of the CS earlier than in women of the general population. Were found the following risk factors for the development of a climacteric syndrome against the backdrop of endometriosis: psychical and intellectual overload, the presence of chronic stressful situations, adverse environmental conditions of living and harmful factors of labor, menstrual disorders in reproductive age, especially abnormal uterine bleeding, premenstrual syndrome, three or more abortions, the absence of birth in the history, the presence of postoperative surgical interventions in reproductive age, as well as significant somatic burdened anamnesis.

Given the results of the study, it can be argued that the CS is the psycho-emotional and vegetative crisis which in combination with severe premorbid background – endometriosis, significantly increases the impact on the general condition of both physical and mental health, including social activity and quality of life than the development of an independent disease. This determines the relevance of the study of the possibilities of using therapeutic and preventive measures not only for the safe correction of menopausal disorders, but also to relief the severity of the symptoms of endometriosis.

Author Biography

Н. В. Коваленко, Kyiv City Hospital No. 9

Obstetrician gynecologist of gynecological department


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How to Cite

Коваленко, Н. В. (2018). Features of climacteric syndrome in women with endometriosis. REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY, (41), 56–60. https://doi.org/10.18370/2309-4117.2018.41.56-60



Management of menopause