Publication policy regarding advertising

Developed on the basis of Recommendations on Publication Ethics Policies for Medical Journals WAME and the Law of Ukraine "On Advertising" dated 03.07.1996 No. 270/96-ВР in the latest edition with changes that came into force on 21.03.2021. This advertising policy has been agreed and is available for all participants in the editorial and publishing process.

The scientific and practical Medical Journal "Reproductive Endocrinology" allows the possibility of placing advertising information about prescription and non-prescription drugs, medical devices and biologically active additives (dietary supplements) (hereinafter - drug) and is a specialized journal for medical professionals who prescribe, use or recommend these advertising objects. The Journal "Reproductive Endocrinology" has an official advertising policy available for all editorial and printing processes of the journal's constituent parts. Advertising and editorial functions in the Journal are independent from each other, which is spelled out in the agreement between the co-founders of the publication - Trilist LLC (has the functions of an advertising agency, providing a full scientometric analysis of publications, the processes of final literary and medical editing, printing and distribution of the printed and Internet version Journal) and State Institution "Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology named after O.M. Lukyanova of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine "(has the functions of an independent scientific and analytical, editorial and review policy of the Journal).

• Editorial decisions of the Journal are not affected by advertising revenue or the ability to reprint editorial materials. The decisions of reviewers and editors (chief, scientific consultants and executive editors) do not depend on the cost of advertising or printing a reprint. Advertisers and sponsors have no control over the editorial content under any circumstances. Editorial content is not compromised by commercial or financial interests or by any specific arrangement with advertising clients or sponsors.

• Advertisers are advised that Reprinted articles (in the form of reprints, promotional materials, etc.) must be published in the original form in which they were originally published in the Journal (including subsequent corrections); that is, there are no changes or corrections to articles for reprint other than those published. Reprinting by the advertiser of any materials published in the Journal is possible only with the agreement of LLC "Trilist". The content of special editions (if any) is determined by the usual editorial process and is in no way dependent on funding or advertisers. Limitations on how reprinted articles may be combined with advertisements or endorsements for a product or company are clearly stated in the Journal's policy and approved with the advertiser.

• It is mandatory that all advertisements clearly identify the advertiser and the product or service offered. In the case of advertising of a medicinal product, the full generic name of each active ingredient (active substance) shall be indicated. Advertisements look different from editorial content and are marked with special labels. Similar restrictions (both for a regular Journal and for attachments, reprints, etc.) may include placing advertisements for related products and/or medicines on the front, back or inner cover of an issue that contains an editorial or original article on this topic.

• Advertising content should be distinguished from editorial and other materials so that the difference between them is obvious. The Journal requires the presence of the following special instruction after the advertising material: “Materials marked with P are published as advertising. Note P is used for advertising publication, contains information about medical laboratories, medical clinic services, medical equipment, etc., incl. medicines that are not included in the list of prohibited for advertising. Publications marked І contain information about medicines and are intended for medical and pharmaceutical workers". Responsibility for the content of advertising and informational materials is borne by the persons who offer the specified materials for placement in the Journal. The editorial office performs the functions of internal control of the quality of materials in accordance with the editorial and advertising policy.

• Ads for tobacco, alcohol, recreational drugs, or any illegal product are not accepted.

• The products or services advertised relate solely to:

(a) medical practice,

(b) medical education,

(c) providing medical and preventive care.

• Advertisements cannot be deceiving or misleading. Exaggerated or extravagant language is not allowed. Advertisements will not be accepted if they appear obscene or offensive in text or images, or contain negative personal, racial, ethnic, sexual or religious nature.

• The maximum number of advertising modules in one Journal issue should not exceed 20 (twenty) pages in the internal content and 4 (four) pages on the cover, which is not more than 20% of the total volume of published materials. The list of advertisers and advertising content are agreed by the editors, including on the basis of the recommendations of the reviewers, when forming the Journal issue for printing.

• Commercial advertisements should not be placed next to any editorial article; it should not contain links to the Journal issue in which they are posted.

• Advertising of medicines, medical devices or dietary supplements should be accompanied by a warning about the presence of contraindications to their use, the need to read the instructions or obtain specialist advice. If an advertisement informs about the properties or characteristics of a drug, then this is allowed only within the limits of those indications contained in the instructions for use and/or on the basis of facts in clinical medical use, data from all types of clinical trials.

• Advertising should not guarantee the positive effect of the drug, its effectiveness, safety, absence of side effects. It is forbidden to claim that the safety and efficacy of a medicine is guaranteed by its natural origin. It is impossible to create the impression of the uselessness of going to a doctor through advertising material, persuade a healthy person to take the advertised drug, unless we are talking about preventive measures, and also inspire that advertising consumer is unwell, has any disease or disorder.

• It is forbidden to create the impression of the advantages of the advertised object by referring to the fact of research that is mandatory for the state registration of the drug. Advertising material should not contain references to minors.

• The Journal reserves the right to refuse any advertising for any reason. The decision to accept (other questions about eligibility raised by readers or others) is made after consultation with the editorial team of the Journal, which is regularly informed about the evaluation of the advertisement, especially the advertisements that were refused due to non-compliance with the Journal rules.