Problem of vitamin D deficiency


  • О. В. Рыкова Medical Laboratory «Synevo», Ukraine
  • В. Б. Зафт Scientific and Practical Centre for Prophylactic and Clinical Medicine of the State Administration, Ukraine
  • А. А. Зафт Medical Laboratory «Synevo», Ukraine
  • Ж. О. Клімова Medical Laboratory «Synevo», Ukraine
  • І. В. Бойко Medical Laboratory «Synevo», Ukraine
  • В. В. Галицька Medical Laboratory «Synevo», Ukraine



vitamin D, vitamin D deficiency, laboratory diagnostics


In the article the problem of vitamin D deficiency, and its significance for the human body are presented. Its main source is fortified foods and dietary supplements. Vitamin D is also produced in the body by the action on the skin of ultraviolet radiation. Low concentrations of vitamin associated with level of total mortality, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. It is proven protective effects of vitamin D in diseases of the skeletal system (rickets, osteoporosis, osteomalacia).

Author Biographies

О. В. Рыкова, Medical Laboratory «Synevo»

Head of the clinical direction of laboratory diagnosis

В. Б. Зафт, Scientific and Practical Centre for Prophylactic and Clinical Medicine of the State Administration

Junior research worker, Research Department of Minimally Invasive Surgery

А. А. Зафт, Medical Laboratory «Synevo»

Biochemist of the Bioimmunochemistry Department

Ж. О. Клімова, Medical Laboratory «Synevo»

Head of medical laboratory

І. В. Бойко, Medical Laboratory «Synevo»

Head of the ELISA Department

В. В. Галицька, Medical Laboratory «Synevo»

Head of the Endocrinology Branch of Laboratory Diagnostics


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How to Cite

Рыкова, О. В., Зафт, В. Б., Зафт, А. А., Клімова, Ж. О., Бойко, І. В., & Галицька, В. В. (2015). Problem of vitamin D deficiency. REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY, (22), 93–96.



Laboratory diagnosis