Systematic analysis of molecular and physiological synergic effects of iron, manganese and copper on connective tissue


  • Н. В. Керимкулова Russian Satellite Center of Trace Elements Institute of UNESCO, Moscow, Ivanovo State Medical Academy of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation
  • И. Ю. Торшин Russian Satellite Center of Trace Elements Institute of UNESCO, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • О. А. Громова Russian Satellite Center of Trace Elements Institute of UNESCO, Moscow, Ivanovo State Medical Academy of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation
  • В. Н. Серов Scientifi c Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after acad. V.I. Kulakov, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation
  • Н. В. Никифорова Ivanovo State Medical Academy of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation



pregnancy, connective tissue dysplasia, anemia, ferrous gluconate, copper, manganese, Tothema®


The present article provides systematic analysis of exposure of iron and its synergists copper and manganese on structure of connective tissue. The bio-information analysis of molecular mechanisms was made which are responsiblefor support of the physiological processes. In general, data from molecular-biological, experimental and clinical studies shows signifi cance of use of organic iron, copper and manganese preparations in prophylaxis and therapy of connective tissue disorders.


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How to Cite

Керимкулова, Н. В., Торшин, И. Ю., Громова, О. А., Серов, В. Н., & Никифорова, Н. В. (2013). Systematic analysis of molecular and physiological synergic effects of iron, manganese and copper on connective tissue. REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY, (12), 101–110.



Clinical study